Monday, June 29, 2009

currently wanting....and i will get(when i have money)

I have no money after my shopping spree on saturday,I am really inspired by Tallullah Morton as normal and with the current 'crop top' phase all the cobra snake girls are going through,I am either going to make a crop top,by cutting an old t-shirt,which can look cool,or buy one of these from topshop....which one do you like best.....please comment and tell me...thankyou. I currently want these items...

current items i want,below:
^^neckalace from urban outfitters
^^ topshop festival t-shirt.
Also,I need to look for a bag for work experience next week,I am quite looking forward to work experience at the moment.So,with all these needs I think this calls for another shopping trip on Saturday and also me and Lily are going to Markeaton Park on Saturday,hopefully this heat stays.I have decided I am going to make a crop top now,not make but cut off the bottom of the old t-shirts lying at the bottom of my wardrobe.Also,craving a cropped jumper and shirt(see topshop website laurie),i must find some soon,I think I need to raid a few charity shops.
more gladiators maybe.Please comment and tell me which crop top you think is best.

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