Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shelley Demented

According to the National Enquirer, Shelley Duvall has totally lost her shit. An article in the current issue alleges that she:

-flashes her car lights to communicate with aliens
-believes that aliens are living in her body
-thinks that a hole in her back yard is a portal to another dimension
-lives in a secluded ramshackle home in Blanco, Texas (population, 1,500)
-has no money or health insurance
-has gained 75 lbs
-wears tie-dye scrunchies
-wanders around mumbling to herself is frequently escorted home by the police
-has been known to make a scene at the local Dairy Queen

WTF? This actually makes me really sad. Shelly Duvall is one of my favorite actresses. As a child I was obsessed with Faerie Tale Theatre which recently came out on DVD. I watched all of those episodes a million times but only now do I realize that those magical characters were played by winners like Lauren Hutton, Paul Rubens, Anjelica Huston, Van Dyke Parks, and Sofia Coppola. In high school I was obsessed with The Shining and Annie Hall; in college, 3 Women. If you like fashion and haven't seen 3 Women you've made a mistake. Shelley Duvall is phenomenally good (even winning best actress at Cannes) and her hairstyle is ON A DIFFERENT LEVEL (see below). Looking at these photos makes me want to drive down to Texas and rescue her.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fashion on Film: Orphan

Joanna and I saw Orphan last night and it did not disappoint. It is a fantastic addition to the evil child subgenre---and a fashionable one at that! The little monster in question is a doll-faced Russian orphan named Esther whose personal style can best be described as Madeline-meets- Anna Karina. Her clothes can easily pass for a number of minimalist cult labels (Lover, United Bamboo, etc.) and she personalizes her look with accessories; favoring berets, bows, and white tights. I can only pray that there will be an equally stylish sequel!


EEK! by Eugenia Kim headband, $28 at Urban Outfitters. Lover dress, $580 at Net-a-Porter.
In God We Trust beret, $60 at Refinery 29. A.P.C. dress, $102 at Tres Bien Shop

In God We Trust Necklace, $200 at Refinery 29. Built by Wendy dress, $141 at Built by Wendy
Lover coat, $670 at Net-a-Porter. In God We Trust Bracelet, $25 at Refinery 29

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sydney is for Lovers

Nic Briand and Susien Chong of Lover not only make some of the most covetable clothes, they also have the home of my dreams! I love all the little nooks and piles of pretty things. It all looks so cozy and lived in, plus their cat Potato is the cutest little puffball. I've been posting a lot of interior stuff lately because I'm in the midst of redecorating my apartment, their place is definitely inspirational! Check out the rest of the images at The Selby, along with a little questionnaire.

Did you notice the Sarah Moon print, 3rd down? So cosmic! We should obviously all be hanging out, shaking tambourines and playing with cats.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bind me, tie me, chain me to the wall

It's safe to say that bondage is an incredibly pervasive theme in fashion at the moment. I can't swing a stick without hitting some chick a bandage dress, some sort of "wet look" thing, patent leather hooker heels, etc. I do wonder how many of these fashionistas are actually into BDSM. I wonder if they're psyched or pissed off about the fact that everyone stole their "look". Please comment if you have any insight on this matter. But anyway, this post is actually about Allen Jones. I thought that his work would be totally awesome "BDSM -spiration" for y'all. Jones is one of those artists that I feel a little bad about liking. The feminist in me thinks that he's totally annoying but the campy-soft-porn-enthusiast-fashion-freak part of me is all about it, and she always wins.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

People We Love: Sarah Moon

How amazing are these photos from Sarah Moon's 1972 Pirelli calender? It's definitely my favorite in the series; although Harri Peccinotti's 1969 effort is a close second. These photos capture everything I love about summer. Not actual summer, but the fantasy summer that exists in my mind. I wish I was drinking mint juleps and picking flowers with these ladies instead of sitting in my muggy Bushwick apartment trying to dredge up some motivation to go to the gym. At least I can escape into these photos for a brief moment, I suggest that you do the same.

Lisa Mayock's "Things I Like"

A lifetime supply of lipstick from a Polish 99-cent store in the freezer? Check. A tiny Pee-wee doll donning a Day of the Dead mask? Check. A white porcelain monkey hanging from a rope in the living room? Check!

Lisa Mayock (of Vena Cava) gives Refinery 29 a tour of her awesome Williamsburg apartment, be sure to have a look at the rest of the images and accompanying interview here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Secret Garden

Love this subtle kitty flecked floral rug and the price makes it even better! Seriously, is it me or are cats dominating the design scene this year? Maybe I'm just noticing because I've been on the lookout but it's kinda making my heart explode...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

oh,how i do love the cobrasnake.

images from the cobrasnake

smoky eyes,black nails,tinypic,tattoos,sequins,eyeliner,sparkles,wavy long hair,underage fest.things currently on my mind :) anyway,next week i have 5 none uniform days,everyone takes them so seriously here,i wish they did not but unfortunately so :) its because we normally only have 1 a year and 5 at once,well 3 weeks really,including work experience,which i have only attended one week of,i am too ill to one week of internet searching and film marathons for me.i have no idea what to wear,i have a new oversized blazer though,which is amazing and lovely.