Monday, September 21, 2009

oh you couldn't get much closer.

personal blog entry:
Recently I haven't been up to that much,I have been completing coursework and doing maths homework,what a bore.I had to do a spread on a designer for Art,I decided on Vivienne Westwood,I shall take photographs of it maybe,as I am really happy with it.Today was quite boring,but it was really funny in Science as me and my best friend Lily threw some ones work out of the 3rd floor window,only because he put a drawing pin on my chair and I sat on it (OUCCH!).Me and Lily got told off,but so did he,so it was fair in the end.Also I went bowling in P.E,as we do so every Monday,I won the game,yipeee! and I had my chuppa chups lolly like I do every Monday when I go bowling,its really fun going bowling with all your pals,also its even better because we don't have to play rounders.Today was a little boring really,lesson wise,but I have a feeling tomorrow shall be a good day. :)

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