listening to arctic monkeys at the moment,alex turner is so beautiful and talented,i'd kill to meet him,hes soooo lovely,his beautful face,his beautiful eyes,his beautiful laugh which you can hear on arctic monkeys cover of girls aloud's 'love machine'.i do not even understand how one man can be so talented as he is,TLSP are amazing,I believe Meeting Place is the most beautiful song I have ever heard,after Wonderwall of course.I just do not understand how one man can be so amazing and talented? Hes more than good looking,I hate all these girls that are like 'ALEX TURNER-PHWOAAR!' he is phwoarrr,but hes also much more than that,yes,in my eyes he is the most beautful man alive but think how talented he is? and the thing is if I met him,I wouldn't know what to say,not because like most 'indie' girls I was gobsmacked by his hotness.but because hes sooo talented and I wouldn't be able to think of a witty intelligent thing to say.
i love that my accent is exactly the same as his,i talk like the most beautiful man alive,i sound like such a northener when i speak,but,im not complaining because all the best bands and their members are from UP NORTH!i want to meet the most beautiful man alive before i die,i dont want to hug him or have a kiss on the cheek from him like many others,yes that would be nice,but if i was to, all i would really want is to have a conversation with him,ask him many friend ellie has a whole art folder dedicated to turner,thats a proper fan not, writing on your bebo 'alex turner-cooorrrrr' sorry,my little rant is over,he is more than bloody hot! HES THE MOST PERFECT MAN ALIVE,DONT EVEN BOTHER ARGUING WITH ME?! OK?! THANKYOU.the best thing is that my cousin looks like alex turner,when we are out im like yeah,im with turner.i could really go on all day(seriously) but i wont as im going to do something else,hes soo perfect he makes me want to cry,i hope that i dont sound like an obsessed fan girl,which i could be,but if i saw/met turner i would stand there with a big :O on my face.
hes just unbelievably talented.
so yes,do the bad thing and take off your wedding ring.

It seems as though I haven't been to a gig in ages,I think the last gig I went to was the Rakes,who were ok,they are not my fave band though,I want to go to lots more gigs this year.
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