-flashes her car lights to communicate with aliens
-believes that aliens are living in her body
-thinks that a hole in her back yard is a portal to another dimension
-lives in a secluded ramshackle home in Blanco, Texas (population, 1,500)
-has no money or health insurance
-has gained 75 lbs
-wears tie-dye scrunchies
-wanders around mumbling to herself is frequently escorted home by the police
-has been known to make a scene at the local Dairy Queen
WTF? This actually makes me really sad. Shelly Duvall is one of my favorite actresses. As a child I was obsessed with Faerie Tale Theatre which recently came out on DVD. I watched all of those episodes a million times but only now do I realize that those magical characters were played by winners like Lauren Hutton, Paul Rubens, Anjelica Huston, Van Dyke Parks, and Sofia Coppola. In high school I was obsessed with The Shining and Annie Hall; in college, 3 Women. If you like fashion and haven't seen 3 Women you've made a mistake. Shelley Duvall is phenomenally good (even winning best actress at Cannes) and her hairstyle is ON A DIFFERENT LEVEL (see below). Looking at these photos makes me want to drive down to Texas and rescue her.