Thursday, April 30, 2009
tomorrow being the first of may.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Season of the Witch
-Blonde on Blonde
Courtney Love's epic interview with Stevie from a '97 issue of Spin. MUST READ!
-Still Dressing for Stevie
A recent New York Times article about Stevie's fashion sense
-Johanna's Art inspired by Stevie Nicks
Amazing fan art from Johanna Pieterman. For $210 she will paint a portrait of you and Stevie on a tambourine. Sadly, she is not taking any new orders at the moment
-Enchanted Mirror
Your one stop source for crystal balls, platform boots, and ruched velvet legwarmers.
-Nick of Time
A juicy, recent Q&A with Stevie from WWD.
-Stevie Nicks Style Sweeps the Streets
Refinery 29's take on Stevie style.

There isn't a ton of Fleetwood Mac stuff on youtube anymore which sucks but I did find this amazing clip of Stevie recording "Angel" during the Tusk sessions. Her ballet dancing at the end is super cute.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Pretty Talk: The Budget Edition

Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion
This has probably been recommended to everyone at some point in their lives, if you haven't already tried it pick some up asap - it really is the best.

Psssssst! Instant Spray Shampoo
Aside from being cute and charming, anything with a label that hasn't changed in 30+ years is bound to be awesome. Most hair doesn't like to be washed everyday so this stuff is great for those days of unwash (plus it gives your hair amazing volume and body). I made the mistake of buying the Bumble and Bumble dry shampoo for red hair once, I don't know why they think chicks want to look like Ronald McDonald. Psssssst can also give you unfortunate Marie Antoinette powdered wig head, just use sparingly and brush through. If you're really cheap you can use plain old cornstarch but it's just not as fun, plus it can be a little messy.

Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
This is the old standby, the minty green face masque that your mom used when she was a teenager and has been featured in every 80s movie that includes a sleepover. This stuff works wonders, tightens pores and leaves skin glowing and soft. Probably not the best for those with sensitive skin as it can be quite tingly and might sting - proceed with caution.

Trader Joe's Sea Salt Scrub
Summer is fast approaching and I'm sure most of us could use a good scrub. Exfoliation in moderation is one of the best things you can do for your skin. I recently found this scrub at Traders Joe's (I like the lavender one) and it's only $6 for a giant tub! I think that actually might be cheaper than making a scrub yourself. Plus it has a flip top lid instead of a screw top lid...oh TJ's you think of everything. Just be careful when getting out of the tub, this can make it really slippery and I don't want to be responsible for any beauty related injuries.

Manetti Roberts Acqua Distillate Alle Rose a.k.a. Rose Water
Rose water has been used by attractive ladies for like 294684568456 billion years as a skin tonic and refresher, shouldn't you be using it too? I love to use it as a toner before moisturizing and keep some in a spray bottle for mid-day freshening up. It smells amazing and looks lovely on the vanity.
Cat Fancy: Harper's Bazaar

Saturday, April 18, 2009
le french bench
- J'habite a (hometown) - I do not want you to come stalk me,c'est une grande ville industrielle.
- On peut visiter le musee,qui est cool
- Il ya un musee
- Il ya foret de sherwood
- Je suis alee au cinema
- Non,je voudrais aller habiter a Londres
- Je fais du recyclage
- Dans ma ville ideale il ferait toujours chaud et du soleil
- Je suis eleve a (name of school) -also not mentioned incase any weirdos read this blog,c'est un college mixte.
- Ma favorute soumission est anglais,parce que moi bien.
- Il fait porter l'uniforme scolaire qui est ennuyeux
- Je joue au foot avec mes copains
- Je vais continuer au lycee
- Bien
- Je changerais l'uniforme
- Je pense que c'est en desorde,car le site,est mal range
- Je m'entends bien avec lui
- Il est allee en Espagne
- Il aime faire du sport
- Il ira aux etats-unis
- Oui,il adore l'escalade
- Avec moi et ma famille a (home town)
- Il penser ils bien
- Quatorze ans
This is for my french speaking exam on Tuesday,its not perfect,but its only a MOCK.My teacher says it does not matter if we get an 'E' because its just to get to know how the exam works,so that is good.He also says we can lie as much as we want in a presentation about ourselves,so here goes,I am Laurie,I have apartments in London,New York,Paris and Dubai,I wear Alexander Wang,Marc Jacobs,Alexander Mcqueen,Rodarte,Erdem and many other laaavly labels.I am a fashion journalist,at the moment I am working for i-D magazine in London town. (of course all of this is in french) ...I could go on forever about how I want to live,but for now I am a happy chappy living in Derbyshire,England.
My mum has just made me her homemade Pasta....mmmmm,going to eat it now on my french bench.(My french bench is a bench in my garden which I revise all of my french on)
daddy i want a pony
Friday, April 17, 2009
Book Club: Harriet Love's Guide to Vintage Chic

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Give Me A (tax) Break!

Edie Romper

West Shorts

North Dakota Blouse
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Sale at Creatures of Comfort

if that's too much look howsabout ze APC trench classique?

or this peachy scalloped delight from Emma Cook?

better throw in an Unearthen ruby necklace to aid in making wiser financial choices in the future - HA!

Book Club: Marlene Dietrich's ABC

Here are some gems from her book:
Astaire, Fred: Elegant! Elegant! Elegant!
Fashion: Don't follow it blindly into every dark alley. Always remember that you are not a model or a mannequin for which the fashion is created.
Gender: At the best of times gender is difficult to determine.
Ivy: Good outside the house, bad inside.
Men's Clothes: Black, midnight blue, dark blue, grey-for suits. Pale blue, pink, white-for shirts. Black, dark blue-for ties. Black for shoes. Only Englishmen can wear brown rough suits and brown heavy-soled shoes and look elegant. Nobody else should try it.
Nail Polish: Dark nail polish is vulgar.
Nakedness: Easy for the beautiful, difficult for the ugly.
Necking: A dirty pastime.
Potatoes: I love them. I eat them.
Pouting: I hate it, but men fall for it, so go on and pout.
Roses: I like them best freshly cut from the garden. The blonde one with the tender, drooping stems small as a rose should smell.
Sandwich: A wonderful invention for all people like myself who like to eat on the run.
Shoes: Shoes are more important that suits and dresses. Good shoes give elegance to your entire appearance. Buy one pair of good shoes instead of three pairs of bad quality.
Sinatra: One of the most gentle of all men I know.
Teasing: Teach your teen-age daughters not to tease boys into physical desire. You might save their lives.
Unmade Bed: A man would rather come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman.
Vodka: It is one of the more healthy drinks in the alcohol field.
White Bread: I cringe every time I see a child eating a sandwich made out of American white bread. Give them whole wheat or rye if you love them.
Project Runway is Not Dead
On a related note, I'm sure most of you heard the Season 5 contestant Kenley Collins was arrested in March after throwing random objects at her ex-fiance, including a cat. Of course she denies the severity of the claims but we all know she be crazy. Here's what Tim Gunn had to say about her demeanor: